20s Singles Events | Twenties Only Evenings

Are you young, free and ready to mingle? It can be tricky to know how and where to meet likeminded people in your local area, in your age range. 20s singles events are a great way to find eligible people have a fun night out in a great venue.

Read on to find out about nights near you and how they can inspire your love life, as well as tips for dating in your 20s.

20s singles event nights

twenties singles event nights

One of the problems with the traditional style of dating - meeting people in bars and at parties or social events - is that you cast your net too wide. By hanging out at these kinds of venues, you’re not narrowing your search to those in your age bracket, or even necessarily in your area.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go out on the town as well, but do be aware that you never know if someone you meet at a club is just visiting, or a resident in the region (or even single). This is a particular issue if you live in big cosmopolitan cities and towns, as well as popular holiday areas. A 20s dating event, however, guarantees attendees of the right age, stage and locality.

Dating as a millennial and gen z

Your 20's is when dating gets real. Many people start to settle down, move in together and even get married during this decade of life. Others use the time to party and play the field.

While others may find concentrating on things like career and getting on the property ladder leaves little time to see who’s out there, either online or in person. And dating in your 20s can come with its own set of challenges.


Singles events near me

So if you’re short on time and want to meet local singles your age, speed dating may well be the answer in your 20s. Especially if you’re trying to cut down on screen time and don’t fancy online dating. You’ll get several minutes chatting face to face with each attendee, to work out if you might click and if there’s a spark.

Our events begin from age 20 upwards, are held in top local venues and are a blast. We have upcoming nights in the following areas for attendees in your age range:

Tips for dating in your 20s

Tips for dating in your twenties

Here are some pointers for getting the most out of this decade as a single person.

  • Remember lost loves will not be last loves. A breakup can feel like the end of the world, but try to keep things in perspective and move on. Too many tears and upset can rob you of your precious youth.
  • Have fun and enjoy yourself. You’ll probably have more energy now than you will in future decades, so make the most of it.
  • Get to know yourself. Your 20s are all about exploring who you are, what you’re about and ‘finding yourself’. The more you do this, the better you’ll be able to choose a partner.
  • Don’t guess. It’s easy to spend hours with your friends dissecting a situation and trying to work out whether someone you fancy feels the same, or analysing what the things they say or do mean. Save yourself headaches and hassle, by just asking. It may be rubbish if you find out they’re not interested, but better to know for sure and get on with your life. (The great thing about speed dating is that you don’t have to wonder - we’ll tell you exactly who you’ve matched with).
  • Don’t’ stalk your exes or your exes new squeeze. Spend your time doing something more interesting and productive, that won’t give you grief.
  • Wait until you know someone before you Netflix and chill. If you’ve met online or at a speed dating event, go on a couple of dates to be sure they’re safe to take home.

More single dating events

If you’re not yet ready to try speed dating, there are other options available to you. Local bars often hold singles nights, and if you’re a member of a sports or a health club, there may be good opportunities for mingling with new faces at their events too.

Meetup 20s

Meetups are a great, no-pressure way to meet new people and you don’t have to be on the hunt for love to go along. There are many different types of meetups according to geographical areas and interests. Unless an event specifies it’s for singles (and some do), you can’t assume everyone is available though. But these 20s events are worth checking out for the social aspect.

If you’re ready to have a great night out and chat with eligible singles in their 20s, book onto a speed dating event near you, today.

Related Questions

  • How long do most relationships last in your 20s?
Surveys have found that the average time is around four years, but this figure might not be consecutive (ie including ‘on again off again’ relationships).
  • How should I dress for a speed dating event?
The dress code is smart casual, although, if it’s a weekend, you can dress up a bit more, particularly if it’s a very smart venue. Make sure you’re comfortable in the outfit you choose and be yourself - allow your clothes to communicate your personality and style.
  • Are millennials dating?
Yes, but those now in their late 20s are dating and having sex less than their predecessors. The same applies to generation Z (those currently in their early 20s). There’s also a trend towards ‘slow love’, with less rushing towards marriage and taking time to find love.


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