Speed Dating in North

At all our Speed Dating events for the North of England, we offer a chance to virtually meet face-to-face with like-minded single people to spark conversations in the most comfortable, safe environment of your home. Speed Dating has proven to be a successful, fun and exciting way to meet new people. You will meet many single people and have four-minute dates with each of them.

Give it a go and if you don’t find someone you like we will give you the next event free of charge.

Next North speed dating events are:

North Only


Banyan - Monument Mall - Ages 38-55

Wednesday 7th August

Places remaining

Sold Out

Current Price



Banyan - Monument Mall - Ages 20s & 30s

Wednesday 14th August

Places remaining

Sold Out

Current Price



Banyan - Monument Mall - Ages 28-45

Wednesday 28th August

Places remaining

Sold Out

Current Price



Banyan - Monument Mall - Ages 30s & 40s

Tuesday 10th September

Places remaining


Current Price



Banyan - Monument Mall - Ages 20s & 30s

Wednesday 18th September

Places remaining


Current Price



Banyan - Monument Mall - Ages 38-55

Wednesday 25th September

Places remaining


Current Price


Book now for speed dating near me in North

With over 17 years’ experience in the world of dating, lots of different people from various backgrounds and interests choose to attend online speed dating events in the North with Slow Dating. We know what works and that doesn’t mean sitting on a zoom call, feeling like a work call, or like you are in the interview from hell. We’ve discovered that the key to a great singles event is organising something which people want to go to and that’s exactly what we do, year upon year. Our online speed dating events in the North are catered to every type of person, meaning there’s surely someone at one of our events that you will hit it off with.

Helping you find the perfect match: Online Speed Dating in the North

If you find that the dates aren’t your cup of tea, then we will give you your next event for free! We’re committed to helping you find someone, so if that isn’t the case at your first event, we would hate for you to miss out on your spark with another date, at another event!

So what are you waiting for? Book onto Online Speed Dating in the North now!

Local Speed Dating events in the North

Slow Dating offers speed dating events in a range of local cities close to you including in;
Speed Dating Newcastle / Speed Dating Sheffield / Speed Dating Leeds & Single nights in Manchester

Speed Dating Venues

North Online Speed Dating
North of England,


The Alchemist - Ages 20s & 30s

Tuesday 30th July

Places remaining

Sold Out
Sold Out

Current Price



Revolution Exeter - Ages 35-55

Tuesday 30th July

Places remaining

Sold Out
Sold Out

Current Price

Featured event


All Bar One - Ages 35-55

Wednesday 31st July

Places remaining

Sold Out

Current Price
