Valentine’s Success for Singles [7 tips]

The celebration of love comes around every year. But what happens if you’re not in a couple? Can you still be part of it? Valentine’s success for singles is not only possible but totally achievable. This Hallmark holiday is a great opportunities to meet new people, attend special events and practice some self-love - and you may just find romance in the process.  

Whether it fills you with excitement or dread, we have lots of tips to help you thrive and enjoy this February 14th.  

Valentine’s Success for Singles

You may wish you weren’t single this Valentine’s, or you may be perfectly happy but seeking inspiration to make the most of the day. There are plenty of things you can do to not only work toward changing your relationship status but to also ensure you enjoy the day just as you are.   

Here are our top seven tips for making Valentine’s Day work for you.  

1. Focus on the positives  

Your mindset and attitudes can have a huge impact on your outcomes in life. By focussing on the good things in your life and practising gratitude, you’ll become happier and more relaxed. As far as the future is concerned, visualising positive results increases the chances of them being realised. And positivity is attractive. Be someone who’s great to be around and more people will want to be around you -including future partners. It’s a win-win.  


2. Get social 

If you are feeling fed-up, don’t stay home alone moping. Lots of bars, gyms and community hubs put on special events like ‘Pal-entine’s’ parties. Grab some mates and get out there - and heads up, your coupled-up friends may find this more appealing than a candlelit dinner, so don’t worry if most of your social circle are loved-up already. Or book onto a special event designed to help local singles meet. There’ll be lots of potential matches at these nights, so get ready to mingle.  

Valentines day ideas for singles

Success for Singles at Valentine

3. Practice self-care 

You don’t have to make anyone breakfast in bed, go flower shopping or cook a fancy meal. Use that time to do something nice for yourself instead. Maybe book a massage, light some candle and have a bath, go for a drink after work, or order a take-away. Here are some more great suggestions for things to do on Valentine’s Day as a single person. 

4. Buy a gift - for you! 

Similarly, you don’t have to spend any money on gifts for a significant other, which means you have cash free to treat yourself. You really don’t need a partner for gifts and you can pick exactly what you want. Is there a little something you’ve been wanting for ages? Use this day as the perfect excuse to get it. If you’d rather have a surprise, you could arrange a ‘secret Valentine’s’ at work or with friends. Like a secret Santa draw, this means everyone gets a little something and the giver’s identity is kept under wraps. 

5. Don’t look back  

In the 1990s, the band Oasis sang some sage advice - Don’t Look Back in Anger. We’d go one step further and say, don’t look back at all. A brief period of reflection after a break up can be useful. But don’t dwell on it and definitely don’t spend this February 14th thinking longingly about Valentine’s or lovers past and wishing you were back there. Moving forward in life is a key to success, so focus on the now and plan for the future. Otherwise, you may find yourself stuck where you are. 

6. Do something for someone else  

Valentines tips for singes

You may be wishing someone would do something nice for you. Well, be that person for someone else. Being kind to others is a sure-fire way to boost your mood and feel good. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. Some cafes offer a ‘pass it on’ option to buy a coffee in advance for a homeless person.

Or you might have a friend you’ve not seen for ages who you know would appreciate a handwritten note or bunch of flowers. Remember, what goes around comes around and by doing good, you’ll probably find more good things happen to you too.  

7. Be proactive 

The best thing you can do to feel better about your current situation (if you’re dissatisfied) or to achieve your goals, is to do something about it. Use this day as a reason to propel yourself into action. Occasionally in life, chances come to you, but usually, this is as a result of having put some feelers out there in the first place. Most of the time, you make your own luck. Book a speed dating event, join a dating site, head to a singles night, or ask your mates if they can set you up on a blind date.   

We run Valentine’s specials up and down the country every year – with over 800 people enjoying a series of one-to-one romantic slow dates. There are loads more events on the horizon coming up near you too, so why not check to see if Cupid is waiting in the wings for you by heading along to one - or several. And remember, if at first, you don’t succeed this Valentine’s, try and try again until you do.  

Related Questions 

  • How do you make Valentine's Day great? 
Keep your expectations in check and don’t be fooled by social media images of perfection. Do something you enjoy, whether by yourself, with friends, or with a lover. Going along to a special event whether for singles or couples can be really fun.  
  • Is speed dating a good idea? 
Yes! Speed dating gives you access to eligible singles in your local area and within your age range. You don’t have to worry about letting them know whether you’re interested face to face and professional hosts are there to run and organise proceedings, making it an easy and enjoyable experience.  
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