15 of The Best Places for a Second Date in Manchester

You’ve both passed the first test. There was something about you that made them want to see you again and you are definitely interested in them. That’s all great. Now onto the second date, but where do you want to go?

Manchester has a lot of great options, catering to a wide range of interests so as long as you were paying attention on the first date and you have some common interests, you’ll find something to do. Here are some of our top picks…

#1 Picnic in a Manchester Park


It’s a classic for a good reason. It’s relaxed, you can have a nice chat, the two of you could prepare some food to show each other some of your favourite dishes and maybe even go for a nice walk afterwards. If you’re really full, consider laying back and looking for patterns and shapes in the clouds first…

Great places to try are Alexandra Park, Heaton Park and Fletcher Moss Botanical Gardens.

#2 Art Galleries and Museums

When you were discussing your interests on your first date, if one of you mentioned an interest in a certain period of history or artist, see if there are any displays in the area that you could visit. This will give you a great chance to talk about your interests, show your passions and have a nice walk – you might even learn something new!

If you’re short on ideas, check out Manchester Museum, Science and Industry Museum, Generation Gallery, John Ryland’s Library, The Whitworth and Lyme.

#3 Go skiing

Nowadays, you don’t have to go on a long trip to find some snow for your skiing or snowboarding session. Skiing facilities like Chill Factore offer a great bit of fun that could be a good date idea, especially when you get a nice warm drink afterwards. It may even make you start thinking that you’d like to take up skiing together in preparation for a future trip but if your thoughts are heading that way just don’t tell them yet! It might be cute when you tell them on your skiing trip two years later that you were thinking they could be the one but two dates in might seem a little too intense for most people.

#4 Release some of your nerves

Going on a second date can be nerve-wracking so why not get rid of some of that nervous energy with a trip to Whistle Punks, where you can throw an axe at a target to see who is the greatest thrower and maybe get the chance to impress your date or get the chance to be impressed by their astounding skills!

#5 Have a coffee with a twist

Drinking coffee or perhaps a nice tea or hot chocolate is a relaxing way to continue your conversations from your first date and see how well you will get on. The coffee could be served almost anywhere these days but why not try one with a twist, like the Cat Café or Cocoa Cabana.

#6 Take in the sights with a stroll down the canal

If you’re into scenic walks, this could be the one for you and your date. Take a leisurely stroll – dare we say hand in hand? – and you can then always warm yourselves up with a drink from a local coffee shop or even have lunch by the canal.

We hope you’ve found some inspiration for a magical second date but if you need any more advice or need help getting that first date, get in touch with us today.

#7 Explore the Northern Quarter

There are loads of amazing places to visit in this area if you are interested in food so take a trip there and exchange stories of your favourite places and discover some new ones.

#8 Crazy golf and arcades

An arcade offers you opportunities to work together to achieve your goals, whether that is taking out all of your enemies in a shooter game or winning stuffed animals, as well as offering the opportunity to go head to head to see who is the best at other games like air hockey, races or who can win the most copper in the 2p machines. Golf can be another one to get the competitive juices flowing and crazy golf allows to you to avoid taking it too seriously or getting upset if you lose.

Check out 17 Below and Junkyard Golf Clubs.

#9 Escape room

A great way to find out how well you can work together is by trying an escape room. You can then see if your skills complement each other’s and how your date works under pressure, which can be a great indicator for later on in the relationship. Only do this if you are feeling completely comfortable with your date and you can always leave if you feel you have to. The staff will be watching the room so it is safe.

One to try is Breakout Manchester, though escape rooms are generally cheaper with more people so you can always save this for a later one when you are ready for them to meet your friends (or maybe for a second meet up with them, just in case they don’t get on).

#10 Bowling

Going back to a competitive activity rather than a co-operative one, bowling can be a fun way to engage in a little light competition, while getting to have a chat and some food. Dog Bowl has some amazing facilities so check them out when you are booking your second date.

#11 Board game cafés

Board games are so diverse these days that you can work together or against each other and be in so many different scenarios. The world of board games has come a long way since the Monopoly days so you’re sure to find a game you will love. Don’t forget to be a gracious winner or loser though, you don’t want them to realise they will never be able to play a game with you again.

Check out Ziferblat, Nexus Art Café and Home for inspiration.

#12 Go to a bar with a difference

You might look a little crazy at first leading your date to a laundrette for your second date but hopefully they will be pleasantly surprised to discover the bar behind, known as The Washhouse.

#13 Outdoor Cinema

Unlike a “normal” cinema, you can take your own snacks in normally and it’s not such a big deal if you want to chat a little (quietly), which means you can keep getting to know each other. Heaton Park and Tatton Park have a few showings on so check these out to find a film that you and your date will love and if it all gets too scary, you can always hold your date’s hand..

#14 Have a few cocktails

Heavy drinking isn’t a good idea on a date, but cocktails and some food can be a great way to keep getting to know someone on the second date. One new place that is becoming very popular for its offerings is Impossible so this could be the place to keep the magic flowing or take a trip to the highest building in Manchester for some cocktails at Cloud 23.

#15 Trampoline Centres

Having a bounce around is a great way to release those endorphins and show your fun side. Just bear in mind that you will want something practical and to slap on a little extra deodorant. It is, however, a great excuse to go for a nice meal afterwards to replace that energy.

Manchester has a few options for trampolining, including Flip Out, Go Air Trampoline Park and Jump Ninja Trampoline Park.

More Speed dating in Manchester dates coming soon...



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