How Do I Find Singles in My Area?

We know that many of you would far rather be introduced to a prospective date face to face, than by swiping on a photo or bio. But where are all the eligible men and women, and how can you find them? There may be more opportunities to meet singles in your area than you would have thought. And we’ll be revealing them in this article...

Finding local singles

There are over 70 million people living in the UK and around half of the population is estimated to be part of a couple. So it’s fair to assume there are still way more than enough singles to ensure that there’s somebody out there for everybody. If what you’ve been doing isn’t working so far, it’s probably because you’re not meeting enough of (or the right) people.

Where is the best place to find singles?

The solution is to try something different. This is especially relevant if your daily life restricts you to limited circles day in day out. You need to widen your social horizons. Because you won’t meet anyone by repeating the same things with the same people all of the time. The good news is that there are so many ways to branch out. And in doing so, you’ll enrich and expand your own life.

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Ask your friends

A prospective significant other may be just around the friendship corner. It’s often the case that your mates will have single friends, but they may never have thought of setting you up on a blind date. Let everyone in your sphere know that you’re looking to meet someone. Much like asking around when you’re seeking a new job, this helps to increase the search - especially if it extends to their acquaintances and new people they come across too. Matchmaking can be a lot of fun, so they’ll likely enjoy the challenge and want to help.

Hang out with couples

We often seek out friends in similar circumstances, which is valuable. But when it comes to relationship status, it’s helpful to mix it up. Especially as it’s often couples and friends of the opposite gender, who are able to make those all-important introductions. And couples are safe territory here - you won’t risk falling out because you both take a shine to the same person! Friends and family are still a top way to source singles, so make use of them.

Get active

Perhaps you don’t have lots of time - or desire - to invest in finding a partner. Finding love needn’t be a one-dimensional search. Meeting new singles is a great excuse for some self-improvement, to get fitter, or to try a new hobby. Local activities are the perfect solution. You could take up a team sport, join a Meetup group to go walking, running or paddleboarding, sign up to a gym class, learn a new skill… the list is endless. If you’re stuck for ideas as to what you might enjoy, think back to things you loved doing as a child. This is often the way to unlock dormant interests and reignite a joie de vivre.

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Try speed dating

The methods we’ve mentioned so far can involve playing the long game and might not get you a date quickly. Those wanting some guaranteed fast, in-person intros to singles in their area, should consider attending a speed dating event. In just a few hours, you can chat with a variety of singles in your age range and geographical area. If you’ve already been to a speed dating night, or several, and not found the right person, keep going. Every event has a unique mix of folk, so it’ll be different every time.

Go to parties and bars

This is the old-fashioned way of meeting people and won’t suit every personality type. However, with nightlife re-opening, we’re able to approach people in bars once again. If you’re up for it but are unsure how to go about chatting someone up, here’s a short video to help.

Live events online

Perhaps you’re shy and struggle with the idea of getting ‘out there’, but aren’t having any luck with dating apps and websites. The good news is that you can take part in the perfect compromise. Now you can meet local singles without having to leave home, with online speed dating. Or join a live event in an area that interests you and allows you to interact with the other participants via mic and webcam.

The search can be tiring, frustrating and at times you may feel disheartened. But don’t give up! For some, it happens easily, for others, it takes a little more effort. Try to think of dating in a practical, rather than overly emotional way. Employ some strategy, much as you would if planning a career change, or house move. And you might just have a lot of fun along the way.

Related questions

How do you outsmart a romance scammer?
Unfortunately, internet dating can be especially susceptible to scams. And they’re best avoided, rather than outsmarted. Look out for any profiles that don’t quite ring true, try to meet the person you’re chatting to in a public place before too long and never ever send money to someone you’ve been messaging, or have only met a handful of times.

Where do singles travel?
All over the world; although countries like Australia, New Zealand, the USA, Thailand and Spain have traditionally been more popular spots for lone travellers. There are companies that specialise in tours for solo adventurers too, although be aware that not everyone who holidays by themselves is necessarily single.

Are paid dating sites better than free?
This is incredibly subjective and depends on who you meet and what you’re looking for, as well as the quality of each individual site. A benefit of paying for dating sites is that you’re more likely to find those who are serious and invested. There’s no reason not to try both free and paid options if you’re able.



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