22 Best Speed Dating Questions | What Should I Talk About?

If you’re thinking of trying speed dating, you might be wondering - what should I talk about?

The best speed dating questions help you to work out whether you’re likely to be compatible - on a practical, intellectual and emotional basis. They also help you to stand out from the crowd and make a good first impression.

Here’s our guide with best questions to effectively break the ice and delve a little deeper too.

How to ask the best speed dating questions

There are different types of questions. Some are practical, to help you find out more about the other person’s lifestyle. Like asking what they did last weekend, or describing a favourite holiday. Others are hypothetical and help you understand how they think and dream, like who would play them in a movie, and if you could be a famous person for a day, who would it be. What should I talk about at speed dating?

What should I talk about at speed dating?

You can talk about anything you like. But hobbies, work-life, family, travel and other interests are all good. A good opener is to ask whether the person has speed dated before. If they have been to lots of events, choose more unusual questions to avoid a sense of repetition for them (that’ll help you stand out). Whereas if they’re new, stick to generic, easier to answer ones.

The best speed dating questions to ask a woman or man

Each of these questions will help you find out something slightly different and give you insight into the person’s life, background, or passions. It’s also worth thinking about how you would answer them. Be prepared!

Deep speed dating questions

It’s good to delve a little deeper, but remember you have little time. Try not to ask questions that will have them scratching their head and pondering for an answer for ages. That's is second-date stuff.
  1. What three wishes would you request if you had a genie? (Discover their dreams and desires).
  2. Where did you grow up? (Find out about their background)
  3. What topic are you most knowledgable about? (Learn what they give their time to or care about).
  4. What was the last book you read? (Understand their tastes).
  5. Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors? (Work out if your hobbies might be compatible).
  6. What era of history would you love to visit - and why? (Discover more about their likes and dislikes).
  7. What title would you give your biography? (Get a glimpse into how they define their life).
  8. What’s your favourite drink? (If you like them, you might want to surprise them with it at your next date).
  9. What are your best characteristics? (Uncover their good points straight away).
  10. Do you have pets? (Ascertain if they’re an animal lover and what species in particular).

Flirty & fun speed dating questions

speed dating questions
  1. Do you have a top Netflix recommendation? (Learn about their tastes).
  2. What’s your spirit animal? (Find out how they see themselves).
  3. Would you rather sing or dance? (Maybe neither, but it’ll make them smile and strike up a chat).
  4. What’s your favourite way to relax and unwind? (Work out if you’d do well chilling out together).
  5. What did you dream of becoming as a child? (Find out about their interests and work life, without directly asking about jobs).
  6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (Learn what they love in private).
  7. What’s expensive but worth it? (Identify their financial priorities).
  8. What’s your favourite way to celebrate a birthday? (Find out if they’re extrovert or introvert).
  9. What three items would you take to a desert island? (Work out what is important to them.)
It’s important to read the situation. Being overly flirty with a complete stranger can be off-putting and even intimidating. If there’s clear immediate chemistry, then you might want to up the flirting a little.

Hilarious dating questions - being funny at speed dating

If you’re a natural comedian, then fantastic. Humour is a great attribute and much sought-after. Be aware that funny is less about what you say, than how you say it.
  1. What's the weirdest thing you've ever dreamed?
  2. What would your DJ name be?
  3. What's the worst joke you've ever heard?

What are good speed dating questions?

We’re all different. Some questions will work better than others depending on your personality. Ask yourself which from our list you feel most intrigued by and which you feel most comfortable with. This will direct you to the best ones for you.

Let’s dive into some of the best questions you can ask. You’ll likely only need one or two, so these will last you for many events and many dates.

Speed dating questions pdf

Check out some more fun and quirky questions in this PDF.

Now you have lots of inspiration for conversation starters, it’s time to book onto an event and try those questions out. Find an event near you and see where it could take you in your dating life.

Related Questions

  • How do you approach speed dating?
Your attitude and expectations will have an impact on the outcome. Approach it with an open mind, positivity and a sense of adventure. You might not strike it lucky at your very first event, so view it as more of a journey and maintain a sense of fun on the night.
  • What are good dating questions?
Once you’re on a non-speed date, you might want to ask some slightly different questions. At some point, you’ll need to ask things like whether the other person wants marriage and kids, as well as how often they like to travel and if they’ll want to relocate at any point.


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