5 Types of Dating

Have you tried everything to find a significant other? Perhaps you believe that you have — but maybe you haven’t… In this article we take a look at the 5 types of dating you can try, to actively search for a soul mate. Check each of them off to see if there are any stones left unturned in your own love life.

The different kinds of dating

It’s always fascinating to discover the may ways in which couples have met; and this is why love stories have long been the stuff of novels, movies and music. Some pairs have a chance encounter — like the “meet cute” trope of the romcom genre — many connect at an educational establishment or work. But for those actively seeking someone to settle down with (as opposed to accidentally finding a spouse), there are some key methods to explore. These provide helpful starting points, and forward steps for singles.

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1 Online/app-based dating

In the 21st century online dating is likely to be your first port of call, especially after the Covid pandemic, during which, apps and websites were really the only option. It’s easy, convenient and often, free (depending which you use). It’s important to choose a brand that caters to your desires however. This is because some are more focussed towards hook ups, others towards finding a life partner. And what works for one might not work for another. It can be the luck of the draw as to who’s around on which app at the time. Speak to those who’ve tried it and you’re sure to hear a balanced mix of success stories and tales of woe from disillusioned daters (even from the same platforms). Another element to consider here, is safety. Most people looking for love on apps are decent folk, but it can be a place for catfishing to proliferate and individuals to fake their identity, given its a digital way of interfacing.

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2 Speed dating

A method that has spanned the pre-digital and internet ages, speed dating creates a controlled face to face environment. In it, groups of singles get to know each another one on one, just enough to see if they wish to take the connection further with any, or several of the individuals they dated on the night. Its popularity has endured especially as life gets busier and more hectic (due to its efficiency), and as life goes increasingly online (due to the direct human interaction for which we all long, be it consciously or subconsciously).

3 Blind dates

Have any of your mates offered to set you up? If not, make your requests; they might have a friend or family member who fits the bill, but it had just never occurred to them to suggest a blind date (those who are coupled up aren’t always super tuned in to plight of the single person). This may be a simple method of making your match. If the thought of going on a date with a complete stranger fills you with dread, it’s worth working to overcome this anxiety. With many couples having begun their romantic journey in this way, it would be a shame to miss out on your potential because of reticence.

4 Matchmaker dating

This is similar to blind dates, but is a more formalised process. The matchmaker may be a professional found via a dating agency, or an experienced volunteer from within your community. They take a deep dive into the suitability and likely relationship longevity between two people from within a pool of potential matches available to them. It can be a great way of taking the heat off you, particularly if you’ve previously found yourself with wholly unsuitable suitors. The level of objectivity a matchmaker can bring can be very helpful and there’s a good chance you’ll be introduced to someone you may never have considered or met through other means, yet who suits you down to the ground. It’s also useful where you’re looking for someone from within a specific group or niche. A great example of the matchmaking method in current pop culture, is the international hit TV series, Married at First Sight. In it, experts matchmake couples with surprisingly frequent success.

5 Group dating

Mingle with other people in a setting that’s relaxed and freeflowing, but purpose designed. This is likely to be labelled as a singles night or a singles party and will suit you if you have a more extroverted personality that relishes networking. It’s a safe, organised way to have some fun while meeting other singles. Those with a shyer or introverted nature may not find this method so comfortable — although attending with a friend can help to alleviate any nerves or apprehension in this regard.

Where will you begin — or continue — your dating journey? If you’re interested in coming along to speed dating, do have a look at our upcoming Slow Dating events and the testimonials of past attendees. As with all of the types of dating on our list, you may need to try it several times over before you hit your jackpot. So the big takeaway is not to give up!

Related Questions

What are the purposes of dating?

The most obvious purposes of dating are to find love or casual relationships. But it also serves as a way to make friends, get “out there”, try new things and have some fun. Approaching it with a sense of excitement and adventure as to where it may take you, is a really beneficial approach.

What age group uses online dating the most?

Millennials and Gen Z are the most likely to go online to find a partner. But those of all ages can be found on sites. Many allow you to filter by age, so you’re seeing people at the same stage of life. Similarly, speed dating nights (and sometimes singles parties) are arranged according to attendees ages and a matchmaker will take your years of experience into account when pairing you with potentials.



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